Georges 2015: start of first stage of voting

January 12, 2015

The stages of XI Russian National Movie Awards Georges 2015 nominees have started!

As always only you, spectators, decide everything in National Movie Awards — even who will be the nominee. That’s why we have first stage of voting where you define movies, TV series and actors of last year by yourselves. First stage will take place from January 12 till January 31.

During the first stage you should choose fives of nominees in each nominations. We remind you that you can vote for movies and TV series officially released in Russia. We also remind you that voting form has short list and long list: if you don’t find your choice in short list, switch to long list. There are rules of voting which help you.

The main stage will take place from February 2 till March 31. Data and place of awarding ceremony will be announce later.

Vote yourselves and tell your friends about the voting — push the buttons and share the link with your friends in social networks. The more people vote, the more objective people’s choice it will be!

The voting is possible for Russian-speaking users only.